What I'm working on for the site
Currently watching/working on |
Homicide |
NCIS Sydney |
The Newsreader |
What I have watched
Title | episodes |
8MMM Aboriginal Radio | all |
13 Gantry Row | all |
30 Seconds | all |
600 Bottles of Wine | all |
800 Words | all |
2121 | all |
A Country Practice | ~ half of Seven's eps, all of Ten's |
A Fortunate Life | all |
A gURL's wURLd | all |
A Model Daughter - The Killing Of Caroline Byrne | all |
A Moody Christmas | all |
A Place to Call Home | all |
Acropolis Now | all |
Adventures of Lano and Woodley, The | all |
Adventures of Suzy Boon, The [NZ] | all |
Adventures on Kythera | 6 episodes |
AFK [NZ web series] | all |
After the Deluge (short version) | all |
After the Party [NZ] | all |
After The Verdict | all |
Aftertaste | all |
Agent Anna [NZ] | all |
Ahikaroa [NZ] | series 1-4 |
Alice, The | all |
All at Sea | all |
All Aussie Adventures | all |
All Saints | all |
All The Rivers Run | all |
All Together Now | all |
Almighty Johnsons, The [NZ] | all |
Always Greener | all |
Amazing Extraordinary Friends, The [NZ] | all |
Amazing Grace [2021] | all |
Amazing Grace [web series] | some |
Angry Boys | all |
Animalia | all |
Answered By Fire | all |
ANZAC Girls | all |
Aroha [NZ] | all |
The Artful Dodger | all |
At Home With Julia | all |
Atlantis High [NZ] | all |
Auckland Daze [NZ] | all |
Austin | all |
Aunty Donna's Coffee Cafe | all |
Australia's Sexiest Tradie | all |
Australian Gangster | all |
Australian Survivor | 2016-present |
Back in Very Small Business | all |
Back to the Rafters | all |
Bad Behaviour | all |
Bad Cop Bad Cop | all |
Bad Mothers | all |
Bad Seed, The [NZ] | all |
Balanced Particle Freeway, The | all |
Bananas in Pyjamas | a few |
Bangkok Hilton | all |
Barons | all |
Barrumbi Kids | all |
Bastard Boys | all |
Bay of Fires | all |
Beastmaster | all |
Beautiful Lie, The | all |
Bed of Roses | all |
Being Eve [NZ] | all |
Between Two Worlds | all |
Big Sky | series 1 |
Bite Club | all |
Black Comedy | all |
Blackjack 1 - Murder Archive | all |
Blackjack 2 - Sweet Science | all |
Blackjack 3 - In The Money | all |
Blackjack 4 - Ace Point Game | all |
Blackjack 5 - Dead Memory | all |
Blackjack 6 - At The Gates | all |
Blackjack 7 - Ghosts | all |
Bligh | 12 of 13 episodes |
Bloom | all |
Blue Heelers | all |
Blue Rose, The [NZ] | all |
Blue Water High | all |
Bluey [2018] | series 1 |
Born To Spy | all |
Boy Swallows Universe | all |
Brides of Christ | all |
Bro' Town [NZ] | all |
Broken Shore, The | all |
Brokenwood Mysteries, The [NZ] | all |
Brothers in Arms | all |
Bruce | all |
Bump | all |
Bureau of Magical Things, The | all |
Burying Brian [NZ] | all |
Bush Mechanics | all |
Bush Tucker Man | all |
C*A*U*G*H*T | all |
Camp [USA/Aus] | all |
Camp Be Better [NZ] | all |
Canal Road | all |
Cash and Company | all |
Castaway | all |
Catching Milat | all |
Chances | 1 episode |
Changi | all |
Childhood's End [USA] | all |
Children of Fire Mountain [NZ] | all |
Children of the Dog Star [NZ] | all |
Circuit, The | all |
City Homicide | all |
Claremont Murders, The | all |
Class of '07 | all |
The Clearing | all |
Cloudstreet | all |
Code, The | all |
Colin from Accounts | all |
Commons, The | all |
Conspiracy 365 | all |
Cooks, The | all |
Cop Shop | eps 1-312 |
Cops L.A.C. | all |
Correlli | all |
Corridors of Power | all |
Coverband [NZ] | all |
Crash Zone | all |
Crashburn | all |
Crazy Fun Park | all |
Creamerie [NZ] | all |
Critical Incident | all |
Crownies | all |
Cry, The [UK/Aus] | all |
Cul-de-Sac, The [NZ] | all |
Cult, The [NZ] | all |
Curtin | all |
Cut, The | all |
Damnation of Harvey McHugh, The | all |
Dance Academy | all |
Danger 5 | all |
Dangerous | all |
Darby and Joan | all |
Dark City: The Cleaner [NZ] | all |
Darradong Local Council | all |
Dead Gorgeous | all |
Dead Lands, The [NZ] | all |
Dead Lucky | all |
Deadline Gallipoli | all |
Deadloch | all |
Deadlock | all |
Dear Murderer [NZ] | all |
Deep Water | all |
Diary of an Uber Driver | all |
Diplomatic Immunity [NZ] | all |
Dirt Game | all |
Dirty Laundry [NZ] | all |
Dive Club | all |
Division 4 | 1 episode |
Divorce, The | all |
Do or Die | all |
Doctor Blake Mysteries, The | all |
Doctor Doctor | all |
Dogstar | first 2 episodes |
Dogwoman - The Legend of Dogwoman | all |
Don't Blame The Koalas | all |
Double Parked [NZ] | all |
Double The Fist | all |
Dripping in Chocolate | all |
Drop Dead Weird | 51/52 eps |
East of Everything | all |
East West 101 | all |
Echo of Thunder, The | all |
Echo Point | all |
Edge of the Bush, The | all |
Educators [NZ] | all |
Elephant Princess, The | nearly all |
Elly & Jools | series and movie version |
Emerald Falls | all |
End, The | all |
Enid Blyton Secret Series, The [NZ] | all |
Eric [Bana Sketch Show] | 5 episodes |
Escape From Jupiter | all |
Escape of the Artful Dodger | all |
Eugenie Sandler PI | all |
Ex-PM, The | all |
Exposure | all |
False Witness | all |
Fam Time | all |
Family Law, The | all |
Far North [NZ] | all |
Faraway Downs | >all |
Farm (short version), The | all |
Farscape | all |
Fast Lane, The | 17 of 19 |
Fat Pizza | all |
Fat Tony & Co | all |
Fatty & George | all |
Fergus McPhail | all |
Filthy Rich [NZ] | all |
Find Me a Maori Bride [NZ] | all |
Finders Keepers | all |
Fire | all |
Firebite | all |
Fireflies | all |
Fires | all |
Fisk | all |
Five Bedrooms | all |
Flying Doctors, The | all |
Foreign Exchange | all |
Fortress | all |
Four Years Later | all |
Frayed [UK/Aus] | all |
Frontier | all |
Frontline | all |
G.P. | 2 episodes |
Gallipoli | all |
The Gamers 2037 | all |
Games, The | all |
Genie From Down Under, The | all |
Get Krack!n | all |
Gift, The | all |
Girl From Tomorrow, The | all |
Girl vs Boy [NZ] | all |
Glitch | all |
Gloaming, The | all |
Go Girls [NZ] | all |
Gods of Wheat Street, The | all |
Gold Diggers | all |
Golden [NZ] | all |
Golden Boy [NZ] | all |
Gone, The [NZ] | all |
Good Grief [NZ] | all |
Good Guys Bad Guys | all but one |
Grace Beside Me | all |
Grass Roots | all |
Great Mint Swindle, The | all |
Greenstone [NZ] | all |
Guinevere Jones | all |
Gulf, The [NZ] | all |
Gymnastics Academy: A Second Chance | all |
H2O - Just Add Water | all |
Halfway Across The Galaxy and Turn Left | all |
Halifax f.p. | all |
Halifax Retribution | all |
Hampton Court | episodes 3, 4, 5 |
Harrow | all |
Harry [NZ] | all |
Head High [NZ] | all |
Head Start | one episode |
Headland | all |
Heartbreak High [1995] | all |
Heartbreak High [2022] | all |
Heartland / Burned Bridge | all |
Heat [Aus/UK] | all |
Heights, The | all to date |
Hell Has Harbour Views | all |
Henderson Kids, The | all |
Here Come The Habibs | all |
Hey Dad | 5min of one episode |
Hiding | all |
High Country | all |
High Life | all |
Hillary [NZ] | all |
Hollowmen, The | all |
Home | 17 of 32 episodes |
Home and Away | first 300+ eps, some from 2001-02 |
Home Sweet Home | 22 of 26 episodes |
Homebound 3.0 [NZ] | all |
Hothouse, The [NZ] | all |
Hounds [NZ] | all |
House Gang | all |
House Husbands | all |
House of Gods | all |
Housos | all |
How To Stay Married | all |
Human Error | all |
Hungry Ghosts | all |
Hunting, The | all |
Hyde and Seek | all |
I Can Jump Puddles | all |
I Rock | all |
Iggy and Ace | all |
Ihaka: Blunt Instrument [NZ] | all |
In Limbo | all |
In Your Dreams | all |
InBESTigators, The | all |
Informer 3838 | all |
INSiDE [NZ] | all |
Insider's Guide To Happiness, The [NZ] | all |
Insider's Guide to Love, The [NZ] | all |
INXS: Never Tear Us Apart | all |
It's a Date | all |
Itch | all |
Ja'mie: Private School Girl | all |
Jack Irish | all |
Jane and the Dragon [Can/NZ] | all |
Janet King | all |
Janus / Criminal Justice | all |
Jaquie Brown Diaries, The [NZ] | all |
Jeopardy [UK] | all |
Jesters, The | all |
Joanne Lees - Murder in the Outback | all |
John Safran vs God | one episode |
Jonah from Tonga | all |
Kaitangata Twitch [NZ] | all |
Kangaroo Palace | all |
Kath & Kim | all |
Kettering Incident, The | all |
KGB | all |
Kick | all |
Kid Sister [NZ] | all |
Kiki and Kitty | all |
Killing Time | all |
Kings in Grass Castles | all |
Kingswood Country | series 1 - 3 |
Kura [NZ] | all |
Ladies in Black | all |
Laid | all |
Last King of the Cross | all |
Last Man Standing | all |
Last of the Australians, The | all |
Legacy of the Silver Shadow | all |
Leongatha | all |
Les Norton | all |
Let The Blood Run Free | all |
Letdown, The | all |
Librarians, The | all |
Lie With Me [Aus/UK] | all |
Life Support | all |
Lift [web series] | all |
Lightning Point | all |
Little J & Big Cuz | all |
Little Lunch | all |
Little Oberon | all |
Lockie Leonard | all |
Lost Children, The [NZ] | all |
Lost in Pronunciation | all |
Lost Islands, The | all |
Lost World, The | most |
Love Child | all |
Love Me | all |
Love My Way | all |
Lowdown | all |
Madam [NZ] | all |
Maddigan's Quest [NZ] | all |
Mako Mermaids/Island of Secrets | all |
Mal.com | all |
Man From Snowy River, The [The McGregor Saga] | all |
Mark Loves Sharon | first two episodes |
Marx and Venus | all but 1 episode |
Mataku [NZ] | all |
Matlock Police | 2 episodes |
MaveriX | all |
McLeod's Daughters | all |
McLeod's Daughters | all |
MDA | all |
Mean Mums [NZ] | all |
Medivac / Adrenalin Junkies | all (several times) |
Mercury | some |
Mercy Peak [NZ] | most |
The Messenger | all |
Metro Sexual | all |
Miraculous Mellops, The | all |
Mirror Mirror | series 1 |
Misery Guts | all |
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries | all |
Moodys, The | all |
More Than This | all |
Mortified | all |
Mother and Son | all |
Mother and Son [2023] | all |
Mr and Mrs Murder | all |
Mr Inbetween | all |
Murder Call | all |
Mustangs FC | all |
My Brother Jack | all |
My Life Is Murder [Aus/NZ] | all |
My Place | all |
Mysterious Island (NZ/Can) | all |
Mystery of a Hansom Cab, The | all |
Mystery Road | all |
Mystery Road Origin | all |
Mystic [NZ/UK] | all |
Nation, The | first episode |
Nautilus [UK] | all |
Neighbours | ~325 eps including first |
Never Tell Me Never | all |
New Gold Mountain | all |
New Legends of Monkey, The [Aus/NZ] | all |
New Tomorrow, The [NZ/UK] | all |
Newsreader, The | all |
Nightmares & Dreamscapes | all |
No Activity | all |
Noah and Saskia | all |
North Shore | all |
Nothing Trivial [NZ] | all but one |
Nowhere Boys | all |
Ocean Girl | all (several times) |
Ocean Star - The Quest | all |
Office, The | all |
Offspring | all |
Olivia Newton-John: Hopelessly Devoted to You | all |
One Lane Bridge [NZ] | all |
One Night | all |
Operation Buffalo | all |
Optics | all |
Orange Roughies [NZ] | all |
Other Guy, The | all |
Out of The Blue | all |
Outageous Fortune [NZ] | all |
Outback Outlaw Comedian | all |
Outriders | 25 of 26 episodes |
Pacific Heat | all |
Packed to the Rafters | all |
Panthers, The [NZ] | all |
Paper Dolls | all |
Paradise Beach | some |
Parallax | all |
Party Tricks | all |
Phoenix | all |
Picnic at Hanging Rock | all |
Pine Gap | all |
Pirate Islands | all |
Pirate Islands: The Lost Treasure of Fiji | all |
Planet Lulin | all |
Playing for Keeps | all |
Please Like Me | all |
Plonk | all |
Plum | all |
PM’s Daughter, The | all |
Police Rescue | all |
Population 11 | all |
Postcard Bandit, The | all |
Potato Factory, The | all |
Power Without Glory | all |
Preppers | all |
Principal, The | all |
Prisoner | episodes 1-4 |
Prosper | all |
Puberty Blues | all |
Pugwall's Summer | all |
Pugwall | all |
Quads! | all |
Queen of Oz [UK/Aus] | all |
R.F.D.S. [1992] | all |
R.F.D.S. [2021] | all |
Rafferty's Rules | all |
Rain Shadow | all |
Rake | all |
Raw FM | all |
Ready For This | 8 of 13 eps |
Real Stories | all |
Redfern Now | all |
Reef Doctors | all |
Regular Old Bogan | all |
Remarkable Place to Die, A [NZ] | all |
Remote Area Nurse | all |
Rescue Special Ops | all |
Retrograde |
Return to Eden | all |
Return to Jupiter | all |
Return to Paradise | all |
Ride on Stranger | all |
Riptide [1969] | 5 episodes |
Riptide [2022] | all |
Road from Coorain, The | all |
Robbie Hood | all |
Rock Island Mysteries | all |
Rogue Stallion, The | all |
Romper Stomper | all |
Ronny Chieng: International Student | all |
Rosehaven | all |
Round The Twist | all (several times) |
Rush [2008] | all |
Saddle Club, The | series 1 and 3 |
Safe Harbour | all |
Safe Home | all |
Sam Fox Extreme Adventures | portions of all eps |
Sammy J & Randy in Ricketts Lane | all |
Sando | all |
Satisfaction | all |
Savage River | all |
Saved | all |
Scales of Juctice | all |
Scooter Secret Agent | all |
Scorched | all |
Scrublands | all |
Sea Patrol | all |
SeaChange | all |
Search for Treasure Island, The | all |
Secret Bridesmaids' Business [2019] | all |
Secret Bridesmaids' Business | all |
Secret City | all |
Secret Daughter, The | all |
Secret Life of Us, The | all |
Secret Men's Business | all |
Secretary | unaired pilot |
Secrets and Lies | all |
Secrets She Keeps, The | series 1 |
Serangoon Road | all |
Seven Periods With Mr Gormbsy [NZ] | all |
Seven Types of Ambiguity | all |
Shark Net, The | all |
Ship to Shore | all |
Shit Creek | all |
Short Cuts | all |
Short Poppies [NZ] | all |
Shortland Street [NZ] | late 1990s; late 2011 to present |
Shut Up [web series] | all |
Significant Others | all |
Silence, The | all |
Silver Brumby, The | all |
Silver Sun | all |
Sisters of War | all |
Sisters | all |
Skippy | all |
Sky Trackers | all |
Slap, The | all |
Sleepover Club, The | all |
Slide | all |
Small Claims - The Reunion | all |
Small Tales & True | all |
Small Time Gangster | all |
Snake Tales | 11 of 13 episodes |
Snobs | all |
Snowy | all |
Society Murders, The | all |
Solo One | all |
Something in the Air | first 4 episodes |
Sons and Daughters | first 63 episodes |
Soul Mates | all |
Sounds, The [NZ/Can] | all |
Soundtrack to Out Teenage Zombie Apocalypse | all |
Spellbinder | all (several times) |
Spicks and Specks | a few episodes |
Spies and Lies [NZ] | all |
Spirited | all |
Spyforce | all |
Squinters | all |
Starting From... Now! | all |
State Coroner | series 1 |
Step Dave [NZ] | all |
Stepfather of the Bride | all |
Steph Show, The | all |
Stingers | all |
Stormworld (Aus/Can) | all |
Straits, The | all |
Strange Calls, The | all |
Strange Chores, The | all |
Stranger, The | all |
Street Legal [NZ] | all |
Street Smart | all |
Strife | all |
Strip, The | all |
Stupid Stupid Man | all |
Sugar and Spice | all |
Summer Heights High | all |
Summer Love | all |
Sunny Skies [NZ] | all |
Super City [NZ] | all |
Supernova [UK/Aus] | all |
Superwog | all |
Surviving Summer [Aus/USA/Ger] | all |
Survivor New Zealand [NZ] | all |
Sweat | all |
Sweet and Sour | 19 of 20 episodes |
Swift & Shift Couriers | all |
Swift Street | all |
Tailings, The | all |
Tandarra | all |
Tangle | all |
Tashi | all |
Ten Pound Poms | all |
Territory | all |
Terry Teo [2016, NZ] | all |
Testify [NZ] | all |
Thank God You're Here | all |
Thou Shalt No Steal | all |
Thunderstone | all |
Tidelands | all |
Time of Our Lives, The | all |
Timothy | all |
Tomorrow, When The War Began | all |
Tongue Tied [NZ] | all |
Top of The Lake: China Girl | all |
Top of the Lake | all |
Total Control | all |
Tourist, The | all |
Trapped | all |
Tribe, The [NZ/UK] | all |
Tricky Business | all |
Tripping Over | all |
Troppo [2022] | all |
True Colours | all |
Turn Up The Volume | all |
The Twelve | all |
Twentysomething | all |
Twisted Tales | most |
Two Twisted | all |
Under the Milky Way | all |
Under the Mountain [NZ] | all |
Under The Vines [UK/NZ] | all |
Underbelly | all |
Underbelly Files: Chopper, The | all |
Underbelly Files: Infiltration | all |
Underbelly Files: Tell Them Lucifer Was Here | all |
Underbelly Files: The Man Who Got Away | all |
Underbelly: The Land of the Long Green Cloud [NZ] | all |
Underbelly: Vanishing Act | all |
Unlisted, The | all |
Unusual Supects, The | all |
Upper Middle Bogan | all |
Upright | all |
Utopia | all |
Valentine's Day | all |
Vega 4 | first episode |
Vegas [NZ] | all |
Very Small Business | all |
Waiting at the Royal | all |
Wakefield | all |
Wanted | all |
Warriors, The | all |
Water Rats | all |
Wayne Manifesto, The | 2 episodes |
We Can Be Heroes | all |
Wedge, The | series 1 |
Wedlocked | all |
Welcher & Welcher | all |
Welcome To Paradise [NZ] | all |
Wellington Paranormal [NZ] | all |
Wellmania | all |
Wentworth | all |
While the Men are Away | all |
Whiplash | all |
White Collar Blue | all but pilot |
White Fever | all | ]
Wicked Love: The Maria Korp Story | all |
Wicked Science | all |
Wild Boys | all |
Wilds, The [USA] | all |
Wildside | 59 of 60 episodes |
Wilfred [USA] | all |
Wilfred | all |
Winners / More Winners | a few |
Winners & Losers | all |
Winners & Losers [NZ] | all |
Winter | all |
Wizards of Aus, The | all |
Wolf Creek | all |
Wolf Like Me | all |
Wonderland | all |
Wormwood | one episode |
Worst Best Friends | all |
Worst Year of My Life, Again | all |
Wrong Girl, The | all |
Wrong Kind of Black | all |
Year Of | all |
Young Lions | all |
Zoo Family | 1 episode |