Bangkok Hilton: episode guide

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6

Part 5 of 6


On a tip from Hal’s niece, who had spent an afternoon in London with Kat and heard about Arki, Hal visits the Quantas airlines office and learns that a woman named Jane Mitchell was originally booked to travel with Arki. He visits Jane who knew Arki as “Sam Morris,” an importer of antiques from India. Arki/Sam was going to use Jane exactly as he did Kat — even giving her the same false-bottomed camera case — but two days before they were due to leave Jane was struck by a car and couldn’t go. Hal goes to the police and gets the address corresponding to the phone number Jane gave him for Sam Morris. He finds no one home but meets a mailman who tells him Arki is “Mr. Rodgers,” whom he had seen him getting into a cab just a couple of days previously. Hal tells Carlisle he is convinced Arki is now in Goa and learns from Carlisle that a date has been set for Kat’s trial.

Hal travels to Goa and after making several stops around the city discovers Arki has just checked out of one of the hotels. He races to the airport and actually spots Arki boarding a plane with a woman but since there is no warrant for his arrest Hal cannot have him detained. Arki slips through his fingers. Hal returns to Bangkok. Mandy and her brother are executed by firing squad. Kat is sentenced to death. Carlisle tries to put together an appeal. Hal, reminiscing about his war experiences, suddenly remembers the men at the prison had been digging a tunnel to escape and thinks it is probably still intact — a storm drain tunnel below the prison hospital that led out to the river. The problem is the hospital is in the men’s section of the prison.